Details of BC4J Run Time Parameters

jbo.default.language ['en'] - The default BC4J session language - part of the Locale ['US'] - The default BC4J session country - part of the Locale
DeployPlatform ['LOCAL'] - Deployment Platform
ConnectionMode [''] - Connection Mode used for Visigenic ORB (1|2|3|4)
HostName [''] - Name of the host machine
ConnectionPort [''] - Connection Port
ApplicationPath [''] - Application Path [''] - JNDI: Identity of principal (e.g. user) for the authentication scheme [''] - JNDI: Principals credentials for the authentication scheme
jbo.use.pers.coll ['false'] - Use persistent collection for view row spill-over?
jbo.pers.max.rows.per.node ['70'] - Maximum number of rows in a persistent collection node ['10'] - Maximum number of active (in-memory) nodes in a persistent collection
jbo.pcoll.mgr ['oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager'] - Persistent collection manager
jbo.fetch.mode ['AS.NEEDED'] - Control fetch behavior of View Objects (AS.NEEDED|ALL)
JBODynamicObjectsPackage [''] - Name of package to be loaded dynamically (no default)
MetaObjectContextFactory ['oracle.jbo.server.xml.DefaultMomContextFactory'] - MetaObjectManager context factory class
MetaObjectContext ['oracle.jbo.server.xml.XMLContextImpl'] - MetaObjectManager XML initial context
java.naming.factory.initial ['oracle.jbo.common.JboInitialContextFactory'] - Class name of BC4J server initial context factory
IsLazyLoadingTrue ['true'] - Lazy loading of meta objects (true|false)
ActivateSharedDataHandle ['false'] - Use shared data handles for common metadata (true|false)
HandleName [''] - Name of shared data handle for common metadata
Factory-Substitution-List [''] - Global substitution list
jbo.project [''] - Project to use for global substitution
jbo.max.cursors ['50'] - Maximum number of cursors to be used by the session
jbo.dofailover ['true'] - Determines whether failover should occur upon checkin to the applicaiton module pool
jbo.doconnectionpooling ['false'] - Determines whether the application pool should release the application module connection upon checkin
jbo.recyclethreshold ['10'] - Threshold application module pool size at which referenced application modules should be recycled
jbo.passivationstore ['null'] - The type of store, Database or File, that should be used for application module passivation
RELEASE_MODE ['Reserved'] - Release mode for Application Module pooling
jbo.maxpoolcookieage ['-1'] - Maximum browser cookie age for pooled application module sessions
PoolClassName [''] - Custom ApplicationPool implementation class
jbo.maxpoolsize ['2147483647'] - Maximum size of a JDBC connection pool
jbo.initpoolsize ['0'] - Initial size of a JDBC connection pool
jbo.poolrequesttimeout ['30000'] - Time (in ms) a request should wait for a JDBC connection to be released to the connection pool
jbo.assoc.consistent ['true'] - Are Entity rowset associations kept consistent?
jbo.SQLBuilder ['Oracle'] - SQLBuilder implementation
jbo.ConnectionPoolManager ['oracle.jbo.server.ConnectionPoolManagerImpl'] - Which implementation of a connection pool manager to use
jbo.TypeMapEntries ['Oracle'] - TypeMap implementation
jbo.jdbc.trace ['false'] - Trace all JDBC activitity with lines flagged by // JBO-JDBC-INTERACT
oracle.jbo.defineColumnLength ['true'] - Define column length for all JDBC CHAR or VARCHAR2 columns
jbo.tmpdir [''] - Declare a directory to create temporary files in.
jbo.server.internal_connection [''] - Declares the jdbc-connect string to use to store AM state, VO spill-to-disk, etc
SessionClass [''] - Name of Session class in middle tier which implementing the oracle.jbo.Session interface
TransactionFactory [''] - DatabaseTransactionFactory class to be used for creating DatabaseTransaction
jbo.debugoutput ['console'] - The type of diagnostic implementation to use
jbo.debug.prefix ['*'] - Prefix prepended to DebugDiagnostic lines ['false'] - Show timing information between debug calls ['false'] - Show the name of the function in diagnostics (expensive) ['false'] - Show the actual trace level of the diagnostic message (rarely used) ['true'] - Increment a counter and display it at the beginning of each diagnostic line
jbo.logging.trace.threshold ['3'] - Show only diagnostic messages with a trace level less than or equal to this threshold
jbo.jdbc.driver.verbose ['false'] - Switch the underlying JDBC driver into verbose mode
jbo.ejb.txntimeout ['60'] - Time after the application module session bean transaction expires
jbo.ejb.txntype ['global'] - EJB container transaction type
oracle.jbo.schema [''] - Schema name in which BC4J runtime libraries are deployed